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Direct Relief: Neighborshare

< 1 min read

NeighborShare partners with community heroes at local nonprofits to identify pivotal needs that would otherwise go unmet and get resources directly to families when other options have run out.

The WMM – Neighborshare Partnership

Fulfill emergency needs up to $400

Coach or Participant provides background “story” of need to [email protected] and we will connect with Neighborshare:

1) Who is the individual? Provide information about their family, profession, demographic, etc. Who are they as a person? What are their hopes and plans for the future?

2) What is the situation? What happened that contributes to them needing financial help?

3) What efforts are they already making to improve their situation?

4) How will the money they receive be used? 

5) What would the impact be of receiving this funding, and what would happen if they did not receive it?

Women’s Money Matters to disperse funds via CASH app or check.
